Ecosystem Fish Pictures

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[See images for credits.]

A Monkeyface Eel peeks out from the rocks in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Credit: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary/Chad King

A flatfish known as a C-O Sole blends in with the gravely bottom. Credit: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary/Steve Fisher

Quillback Rockfish are found along rocky bottoms of the United States West Coast. Credit: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary/Harold Everett

The Longnose Skate partially buries itself in the bottom sediment to camouflage. Credit: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary/Mike Kesl

Longfin Sculpins are small fish, usually reaching only about 6 inches. They can sometimes be seen hanging upside down, hiding below rocky overhangs. Credit: NOAA Olympic Coast NMS/Eli Owens