Ecosystem Fish Pictures

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[See images for credits.]

Armourhead stargazer. Image courtesy of New Zealand-American Submarine Ring of Fire 2005 Exploration, NOAA Vents Program.

A Deep-sea blob Sculpin rests on the bottom in about 1300 meters near some yellow sponges. Credit: NOAA/Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

A Snowy Grouper is a Deep Sea predator, reaching lengths of about 1 meter. Credit: USGS/Dr. Ken Sulak

Some Deep Sea species, like this Tripod Fish, have adaptations for resting on the bottom. Credit: Bahamas Deep-Sea Coral Expedition Science Party, NOAA-OE

A round-shaped sea toad hides among the rocks at nearly 2500 meters deep. Credit: NOAA/Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Giant Cusk Eel, about 60 cm long swims at over 2500 meters deep. Credit: NOAA/Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

A deep sea Roundnose Grenadier swimming over the seafloor. Notice the large eyes and dorsal fin. Grenadiers feed on fishes, small shrimp and other invertebrates. Credit: NOAA Ocean Explorer

A Synaphobranchus, with an eel-like body type swims along a flat bottom. Credit: NOAA Ocean Explorer

Fluorescent Chain Catshark cruises at about 600 meters deep. This animal has fluorescent skin. Credit: NOAA Ocean Explorer/Operation Deep Scope 2005

A school of mackerel swimming together amongst the dark waters. Credit: NOAA Ocean Explorer/Brooke et al, NOAA-OE, HBOI

Anglerfish, like collected specimen, use a bioluminescent "fishing pole" to lure prey to come close. Credit: NOAA Ocean Explorer/Jon Moore