Ecosystem Fish Pictures

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[See images for credits.]

A giant ocean sunfish, or mola mola, cruises slowly through the water column. At the surface these unusual-looking fish will sometimes be mistaken for a shark because of their tall dorsal fins. Credit: Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary

Swordfish are fast-swimming Open Ocean predators. Credit: NOAA Central Library

Tuna often travel in schools as they traverse the ocean. Credit: NOAA

Anchovies are important bait fish in many Open Ocean ecosystems. Credit: Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary

Herring are found in large schools throughout Open Oceans, Polar Seas, and other ecosystems. Credit: USGS/Mary Whalen

Billfish, such as this Striped Marlin, are important Open Ocean predators. Credit: NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center