Welcome to Marine Science: The Dynamic Ocean. This is the first, major K-12 Marine Science high school course, designed for high schools. The science course is STEM integrated and meets Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The course can meet a state lab requirement, but does not have to do so.
Studying Earth's most visible feature-the ocean-is a great way to learn science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) content and processes. In the course, you will investigate the scientific world of ocean organisms and physical characteristics, use technological tools to access, interpret and apply a wealth of data sets, use the Engineering Design Process to create a tool for cleaning up oil spills, and use mathematics to calculate the density of objects and depth of the seafloor. You will even get the opportunity to track real marine animals!
Marine Science: The Dynamic Ocean is a truly integrated science course. The science concepts are applied to authentic scientific settings, scenarios and investigations. You will learn about life, Earth and physical science, utilizing basic physics and principles of chemistry and scientific and engineering practices.
The stage is set for real-world learning as you explore data from a unique and fresh perspective.
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Video of a recent orientation session of
Marine Science: The Dynamic Ocean. (40 min.) |
The 3 Phases of Marine Science: The Dynamic Ocean:
With over 1,000 digital assets integrating content, the stage is set for real-world STEM learning.
 | Investigate the scientific world of ocean organisms and physical characteristics |
 | Use technological tools to access, interpret, and apply a wealth of data sets |
 | Use the Engineering Design Process to create a tool for cleaning up oil spills |
 | Track real marine animals! |
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